Asset Tracking and Management | Top Asset Management Companies

Utilize SyncSens frequency Identification (RFID) to trace your assets within your facilities ingress and egress points. starting from passive to active RFID’s, tags are as specific as your hospital’s need. Alerts are often provided when your assets leave the power or allow you to know if your item is in storage or on a particular floor.SyncSens Real-Time Location Sensors (RTLS) track assets through real-time in your facility. SyncSens RTLS delivers room level accuracy that allow hospitals to understand the precise floor and room where an asset is found . Utilizing Infrared (IR) or Ultrasound, asset location data are often integrated with aktivu Location and Tracking application layering the info on floor plans of your facility to supply you a bird’s eye view of where all of your assets are located.

Address: Virginia - 21525 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 110, Sterling, 20166.

Phone no.:  1-571-266-1992

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